
Oooh, I hate these.  I never know what to say and I don’t think “holy rolling mother of emotional insanity” will do it.

I’m currently 33 years old but I’m certain that will change this year.  I grew up in Alaska, graduated from St. John’s College in Santa Fe with a BA in Liberal Arts (try making a career out of THAT!) and planned on going on a mission but met DH instead.  We’ve been married for 11 years (I’ve been a SAHM for the strong majority of those) and have three children, two boys (10 and almost 8 ) and a girl (5). We’ve lived in Washington and now Oregon and are in the process of moving to Alaska.  I think we’ve got the Pacific Northwest covered.  I’ve been a member all my life (my father being a childhood convert and my mother from pioneer stock).  My husband is an adult convert and the only member in his family.

I like music, playing my piano, writing, (I feel like I’m writing a personals ad: reading poetry, long walks on the beach…) and dark chocolate.  Occasionally I do things like knitting and cross-stitch and scrapbooking but I give up after a month or so.  And then pick it up in another year or two and then give it up after a month or so.  So it goes.

I love Gospel Doctrine and have been craving more scripture study in my life where I could bounce thoughts off other people and learn from them, because (shocking to my husband) I don’t know it all.  I’m excited about this blog and about studying with y’all.  (No, I’m not from the south but I find it highly annoying that English has no you-plural.)

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